Three Comics To Turn Into TV Shows.
October 9, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under Mainstream Comics (Marvel/DC), News
The original premise was for Christopher Priest to do a series similar to Luke Cage and Iron Fist. What you get is something along the lines of a superhero version of Lethal Weapon.
Why We Need a Portable Xbox Console from Microsoft.
October 9, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under Gaming, Microsoft/Xbox, News
Maybe a portable Xbox console is something we could see in the future. If Nintendo continues to sell the Switch, Microsoft may consider its options as the company is undoubtedly monitoring the mobile gaming scene.
Mario Kart Tour – My Thoughts.
October 9, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under News, Nintendo Switch/SNES/N64, PC/Mobile/Android/iOS
To new players and longtime Mario Kart fans, if you’re doing through a typical day and have nothing productive to do to help get you through the day, then you should definitely check out Mario Kart Tour because I promise you that you’re going to have so much fun while enjoying playing the game.
Maid of Sker is based on True Events, Here’s the Story Behind it.
October 6, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under Gaming, News, PC/Mobile/Android/iOS, Survival Horror
Visitors have told that entering the house makes you feel physically sick and they also heard screams and wailing cries. Reports say that there’s an evil presence in Sker House that doesn’t want anyone’s presence.
Shenmue 3: Here’s what to Expect When the Game Launches On August 27.
Since Sony has canceled the PlayStation Experience event and the company is also skipping E3 2019, it may host an event sometime in early 2019 to share more details.
The Lion King and the Identity Politics.
For 2019, Disney has some interesting plans as the company will release many other movies including Toy Story 4 in June, Frozen 2 in November, Captain Marvel and Dumbo in March.
My 5 Favorite Fighting Game Characters.
October 4, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under Action (Shooter/Fighting, etc.), Gaming, News
You’d think “Hey, you can’t fight with a bladed weapon like that!” is part of the rules then again there’s a big green and orange beast man shocking people and a guy stretching his arms and leg while setting people on fire.
Let’s End Cosplay Body Shaming.
It is not the job of the cosplayer to create your fantasy…it is for them to embody their own. If you want to see a character portrayed a certain way…cosplay the character yourself or gravitate to the cosplayers that portray the character to your liking. Neither of these options include body shamming and trashing someone’s vision that they are entitled to have. Let’s kill the body shaming and allow the cosplay world to continue to be magically awesome.
Open World Review: Gun.
October 4, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under Action (Shooter/Fighting, etc.), Gaming, News
I always felt Gun should’ve gotten a sequel on PlayStation 3 but that ship has long sailed after Rockstar got it right with Red Dead Redemption.