Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hancock Could’ve Started Comic Book Franchise.

May 20, 2020 by  
Filed under Comics, News, TV/Film/Movies

OK, so no film on the horizon. How about comics or an animated series? Something to keep the world of Hancock alive. When the film ended, it left things pretty open for John and Mary? A TV series would’ve been incredible but could you get Smith and Theron to commit to filming seasons of TV?

Who knows, maybe we could see a Hancock sequel get picked up by Netflix down the line. I mean, Netflix hasn’t yet and the film came out in 2008 but impossible things have happened before.

Solo Leveling Is A Must Read For Gamers.

May 12, 2020 by  
Filed under Comics, Manga, News

I’ll admit, it’s not the deepest, most life-changing series out there but it is one the most fun and exciting ones. Check out Solo Leveling and let me know what you think of it. Also, a small favor for our readers: if you read comics like this or anything isekai shonen—let a brother know in the comments or hit me up. I’m really on this kick right now.

An Introduction to RPGs.

May 12, 2020 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, RPGs

RPGs are roleplaying games where you take control of a character or characters. That could be any game in general since you’re playing a role but RPGs differ in gameplay mechanics. Now, we’ll get into why RPGs are so important to gaming because things become blurred again as game development improved over the years. The main thing is that RPGs typically have a storyline driven not just by the characters and mechanics but also by the setting.

Explaining The World of Judge Dredd.

May 8, 2020 by  
Filed under Comics, Mainstream Comics (Marvel/DC), News

Remember, 2000 A.D debuted in 1977 so the Russians were still considered extremely scary. Texas City—or Mega-City Three—is one of America’s biggest cities following the Atomic Wars of 2070. It is connected to MC1 by the Great Road. Texas City takes up Texas and a good deal of the midsouth, southwest, and mid-west regions of the U.S.

Idle Champions: Idle RPGs Now D&D Flavored.

May 8, 2020 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, PC/Mobile/Android/iOS, RPGs

So, did Idle Champions change my mind on idle games? Not really. I will say I’ve been entertaining some idle RPGs—particularly Idle Heroes—to see if I’ve been too harsh on them. Idle Champions got those games to that point. We’ll find out in a few weeks if I’m still on the “idle RPGs are trash” hill or if I’ll be recommending them to you.

Streets Of Rage 4 – My Analysis & Review.

Note #1: Even though The Y Twins in Streets Of Rage 4 aren’t as menacing, intimidating, badass, ruthless, and vicious as their notorious father Mr. X was back during The Original Streets Of Rage Era in the 1990s, but that’s okay because a lot of people fail to understand that not every child(ren) will grow up having the same characteristics as their parent(s).