Monday, July 22, 2024

Stardew Valley is Probably One of a Few Games I Can’t Say Anything Bad About.

At the moment, ConcernedApe is working on Haunted Chocolatier which seems like it will be in a similar vein but centered around a confectionary shop. However, something on the side in Stardew Valley such as the fishing or mining are worthy of their own titles. Hell, the Harvest Moon series kind of spanned the Legend of River King series and fishing was never so adventurous.

5 RPG Games that Nintendo Should Bring Back.

While the story wasn’t something that was groundbreaking or even very memorable, and the battle system wasn’t anything special, they did something that I absolutely loved at the time, and I wish that more RPGs did today. They had two separate parties and forced you to level up and play with both. There were eight playable characters in the game I think, and you had four on one team and four on the other. One team had certain strengths and abilities and the other team did as well.

5 Video Game Franchises with Awesome Stealth Gameplay.

Let’s say this was part one of our stealth series. Did any of your franchise picks make the list? Also, what games do you think will make part two? Let us know down below!

5 Classic Koei Games of the 1990s.

During the early 1990s, Koei was also building up for an entry into business management simulation games. The titles that became popular worldwide out of its Management Series were Aerobiz and Aerobiz Supersonic.

The 5 Most Memorable Games on the Sega Dreamcast.

November 6, 2021 by  
Filed under Adventure, Gaming, News, Old School RPG, Sports

The Dreamcast was Sega’s last dance in the console realm before becoming a developer-only in the video game arena.

Here Are 5 of the Best Video Game Spinoffs.

April 10, 2021 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, Old School RPG, Puzzle, RPGs, Sports

Several games on this list might illicit some nostalgia but Mario Party plucked at a particular part of pre-online multiplayer generation gamers’ nostalgia.

Old School RPG Corner: Dark Cloud.

January 2, 2020 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, Old School RPG, PlayStation/PS4

If you’d like something like Ocarina of Time on PlayStation, Dark Cloud is on the PlayStation Network! While it did get a sequel two years later in Dark Cloud 2, I always felt it should’ve had more entries in the series. It was a game with that much potential.

Old School RPG Corner: Harvest Moon 64.

August 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, Old School RPG

Harvest Moon 64 embodies this meaning you’ll get a fun and mildly challenging experience out of it.

Old School RPG Corner: Chrono Trigger.

January 30, 2019 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, Old School RPG

The boss battles are challenging but fair and random encounters aren’t so numerous that the game becomes tedious. Chrono Trigger is just about a perfect RPG.

Old School RPG Corner: Unlimited Saga.

January 30, 2019 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, Old School RPG

Its one thing for combat to be difficult but if you beat one monster and fight the same kind of monster and its a chore, something’s wrong there.

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