Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Cruis’n Series Would be Out of Place Among Modern Racing Games.

With the kind of racers that are normally on Nintendo consoles, Cruis’n is pretty dated and in relation to racing games now, it holds it down enough in arcades or play places but it just didn’t get it done in the last two console ports. It just seems like Nintendo should handle the development for consoles but there’s often a quick turnaround between the arcade release and the console release—and Ninty takes its time with game development.

Shark Action RPG ‘Maneater’ is a Truly Unique Game.

My fascination with Maneater comes from putting to the theme with this game style and coming up with something that works and is playable—and I love stumbling across games like this.

Have you played Maneater? If so what were your impressions of the game? Also, what a game that you weren’t interested in at first that got your attention when you gave it a try? Let us know in the comments!

Cool Spot is a Truly Enjoyable Platforming Experience Then and Now.

Cool Spot is similar. The first stage is the beach where crabs and smaller creatures are your main enemies, debris, beach chairs, umbrellas, and sand castles are the natural obstacles you’ll have to navigate. There are hazards that wouldn’t be out of place at the beach as well.

Stardew Valley is Probably One of a Few Games I Can’t Say Anything Bad About.

At the moment, ConcernedApe is working on Haunted Chocolatier which seems like it will be in a similar vein but centered around a confectionary shop. However, something on the side in Stardew Valley such as the fishing or mining are worthy of their own titles. Hell, the Harvest Moon series kind of spanned the Legend of River King series and fishing was never so adventurous.

Pokemon Games Need an In-Game Day-Night System.

That’s not reality. You trample these trainers in record time. The solution is simple: have an in-game clock where the days change every hour or whatever but just have real time for promotions and events. I’d just like for these adventures in each Pokemon game to not feel like a brief career between when you get your first monster to when you defeat the Elite Four.

Retro Reflections: How 80s and 90s Game Design and Controls Shaped Difficulty in Gaming.

Also, it wouldn’t even matter since most of us played these games by ourselves. If you let someone borrow a game, it still didn’t matter because you just had the time record and that friend’s initials. I mean, it meant something if you really didn’t want to be ranked lower on the time records and were willing to play the game over again.

What features or design decisions from the 2D era of the 80s and 90s added difficulty to you? Let us know below!

Game Changers: Four Features That Revolutionized Gaming in the 80s and 90s.

The skip scene button was something I first noticed in Final Fantasy X-2 at a time when FF really needed them. From FFVII onwards, Square Enix really got more and more into its cut scene bag and those cut scenes became longer and longer as well as popping up more often. It could be frustrating when you’re really enjoying the action in the game and want to get back to building your character up and whatnot only to sit through three-or-four minute cut scene number three.

Where Does Bowser Come from and What’s His Deal?

Is this thinking to deeply into Super Mario lore? Sure, but we’re in a time where everything has a strong backstory and cartoonish evil or—in Bowser’s case—well-financed mischief isn’t as applauded across the board. At this point, only a handful of series can get away with a character who is evil just because.

Bowser is one of the last of a dying breed in that respect.

Let’s Check Out for Pirate Game Pioneers.

The perfect pirate game belongs to Pirates! Gold. I’m certain I touched on this game before in passing but it’s definitely the greatest pioneer on this micro genre. You start as a citizen of France, England, the Netherlands, or Spain but as in all mentioned games—besides Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag—you can turn against your country, align with another, and either get a letter of marque to operate as a privateer or go full pirate.

You’re also able to assault town and forts, claim them for a country, attack treasure ships and big merchant hauls, and improve your ships—or get new ones. Of course, you’ve got to split the loot after lengthy voyages and you’re able to move up in society in the colonies.

There was a lot going on in a game made in 1987. I play the 1993 remake on the Sega Genesis as I was really into games like this and Aerobiz early on. They were just different from the more action-oriented titles I normally played.

If You’re Unfamiliar with Roleplay: It’s Basically Pro Wrestling.

I’d been roleplaying in some sense since 1996. I started in play-by-email, message boards, and on wrestling e-federations. All had an application process and actually, the early days of text roleplay encouraged my love of writing and creativity. Whether it was making a vampire, a ninja, or a psychopathic wrestler, it was fun to sit, come up with a backstory to fit into this new setting and do the sample roleplay.

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