Streets Of Rage 4 – My Analysis & Review.

( Recently, the much anticipated sequel to the very polarizing Streets Of Rage 3 in Streets Of Rage 4 was released and was overwhelmingly well received by not only the current  young generation gamers, but particularly the much older fans like myself that grew up during The Original Streets Of Rage era back in the 1990s.

A lot of older Streets Of Rage fans never thought that a sequel to Streets Of Rage 3 would ever see the light of day until developers from Dotemu & Lizardcube approached Sega about creating a sequel to the very polarizing Streets Of Rage 3, so Sega gave Dotemu & Lizardcube the greenlight, so the production on Streets Of Rage 4 begin in January 2018 and this game took over two years to make and the rest is history. 

When I saw the most recent gameplay videos of Streets Of Rage 4, I absolutely fell in love with this game because the developers at Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games that worked so hard to create the best Streets Of Rage 4 game for over two years managed to not only revive a video game franchise in Streets Of Rage that’s been dormant for over 25 years, but  the overwhelmingly positive response to Streets Of Rage 4 is further proof that the beat-em-up genre has truly come back to life.

The developers at Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games not only honored and respected the past gameplay of The Original Streets Of Rage games, but greatly rewards much older Streets Of Rage fans like myself for being a Streets Of Rage fan by allowing the older Streets Of Rage fans to relive past classic Streets Of Rage stages by grabbing a taser in Stage 4, then going into the arcade room and zap it which takes you back to The Classic Stage 1 from Streets Of Rage 2. You can also unlock characters from The Original Streets Of Rage Games like Adam Hunter in Streets Of Rage, Eddie “Skate” Hunter in Streets Of Rage 2, & Shiva from Streets Of Rage 3 which is absolutely amazing.

The gameplay and the graphics are absolutely fluid, phenomenal, and spectacular. The final boss fight in Stage 12 of Streets Of Rage 4 is significantly more intense and tougher than the one against Shiva from Streets Of Rage 2 because unlike The Streets Of Rage 2 Final Boss Fight, The Streets Of Rage 4 Final Boss Fight has you going up against the main antagonists for the game in The Y Twins which are the son and daughter of The Notorious Mr. X from The Original Streets Of Rage games. You have to fight both of The Y Twins at the same time because one twin is fighting you on the ground and the other one is fighting you on a gigantic robotic spider that can kill you quickly if you’re not careful. The Final Boss Fight Theme in Streets Of Rage 4 called “Next Of Kin Showdown” is absolutely badass and sick which easily makes it my favorite track from this game and definitely better than The Final Boss Fight themes from The Original Streets Of Rage games.

Note #1: Even though The Y Twins in Streets Of Rage 4 aren’t as menacing, intimidating, badass, ruthless, and vicious as their notorious father Mr. X was back during The Original Streets Of Rage Era in the 1990s, but that’s okay because a lot of people fail to understand that not every child(ren) will grow up having the same characteristics as their parent(s).

Even though I have been a fan of beat-em-up games and especially The Streets Of Rage series for 25 years. I can safely say after 20 years, Streets Of Rage 4 is not only my new personal favorite Streets Of Rage game, but also my personal favorite beat-em-up game of all time. 

The Conclusion – Streets Of Rage 4 is an absolute masterpiece of a game because it’s definitely worth trying and trust me, you’re definitely gonna have a blast playing the game.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)