Tuesday, July 23, 2024

5 RPG Games that Nintendo Should Bring Back.

While the story wasn’t something that was groundbreaking or even very memorable, and the battle system wasn’t anything special, they did something that I absolutely loved at the time, and I wish that more RPGs did today. They had two separate parties and forced you to level up and play with both. There were eight playable characters in the game I think, and you had four on one team and four on the other. One team had certain strengths and abilities and the other team did as well.

Is Lifeweaver the Savior of Supports in Overwatch 2?

With Lifeweaver, the only thing that I can think of to help him out is to either buff his damage which I don’t think would make him overpowered. Don’t make it to the point where he can kill DPS players with one clip of ammo, but to the point where he can defend himself against diving characters. The other option I can see would be to buff or change his ultimate in some way. I think that it is probably his biggest flaw. Maybe something like a damage reduction while in the tree’s aura or a small amount of armor or something.