Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mario Kart Tour – My Thoughts.

( I remember when Nintendo first announced that a Mario Kart game was coming for mobile, there was what I personally call “selective outrage” from people who are longtime Mario Kart fans that preferred the next Mario Kart game be on The Nintendo Switch console, not on mobile because a lot of console-only gamers hate mobile games.

I remember when I first heard from a prominent gaming site that Mario Kart was coming to mobile, I was very happy because many of the other Mario Kart games were for consoles from Nintendo 64 to The Nintendo Switch. But having a Mario Kart game come to mobile for the first time was definitely something different that allowed Nintendo to continue investing their prominent IPs like Mario into the growingly popular mobile gaming market. 

Even though the game is now on mobile, Mario Kart offers some different things that were not seen in the previous Mario Kart games that definitely make this new Mario Kart game stand out quite a bit from the previous ones.

Here are several things that I like about Mario Kart Tour.

RPG Elements – One of the things that I already like about this game is the RPG elements that they have incorporated into the game. For example: When your character wins the race being in 1st place, your character, your car, and your car accessory levels up that will make your character, car, and car accessory become more stronger as you progress throughout the game. 

Easy Controls – I remember many years ago when I first played Mario Kart for The SNES, I admit that I was absolutely terrible at that game because at the time, I didn’t understand the control layout for the game let alone which buttons to press for turbo speed and using items to knock your opponents off of their feet. In Mario Kart Tour however, the controls are made more easier by moving your finger either to the left or to the right so that you can not only maintain traction on the tracks, but also outwit and outmaneuver your opponents on your way to winning 1st place. 

Enjoyable Experience – Playing Mario Kart Tour the first few times has become a very enjoyable experience for me because I was able to easily pick up the easy controls and used this quick learning to my advantage to outwit and outmaneuver my opponents in which I managed to win 1st place all three times in which I raced and I’m very proud of that. The one thing that I learned over the years playing racing games is that there’s nothing sweeter than finishing a race in 1st place. 

Note: I’ve been a fan of racing games since the days of playing Super Hang-On on The Sega Genesis during my childhood years. While I haven’t played racing games as much over the years as I have played RPG games more. I still love playing racing games because of the thrill and excitement that comes with not so much competing against the other players, but it’s really about competing against yourself so that you can improve to be the best that you can be in racing games. 

The Conclusion – To new players and longtime Mario Kart fans, if you’re doing through a typical day and have nothing productive to do to help get you through the day, then you should definitely check out Mario Kart Tour because I promise you that you’re going to have so much fun while enjoying playing the game.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)

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