(AfroGamers.com) The pros and cons of game streaming services are a regular source of debate. If cloud gaming becomes a norm, the game industry will witness some major changes. In the past, we have seen many such attempts, and they have not gone very far. Now when many game developers and ...

(AfroGamers.com) When my youngest brother sent me a text with a video link of the upcoming beat-em-up game Streets Of Rage 4, I was absolutely ecstatic for a new Streets Of Rage game because the last Streets Of Rage game that came out was Streets Of Rage 3 about 25 years ...

(AfroGamers.com) Space flight simulators have been around for years. As the video game technology is getting better and more improved, realistic flight simulation games are allowing players to enjoy the life of pilots and astronauts in the virtual world. One such game Star Citizen is currently in development and nobody knows ...

(AfroGamers.com) Titan Arena is a VR game being developed by two former God of War developers. The first-person shooter project is up on Kickstarter with details of gameplay, in-game characters, weapons, and rewards for the backers (people who support a game idea reach its funding goals). For the project, developer Lightbound ...

(AfroGamers.com) Ninjas exist in roughly every form of media—particularly manga and video games. When it comes to games, there are some standalone titles based on ninjas but often times, you’ll run into games that feature them as additional playable characters. Recently, fellow Afro Gamers talent Kwame Shakir gave us his fave ...

(AfroGamers.com) In my 25 years as an avid video gamer, I have played many great games like Mario and Sonic as well as playing many that turned out to be not-so-great. Here are my least favorite video game sequels. 1. Streets Of Rage 3 – This old school beat-em-up game on ...

(AfroGamers.com) Video game marketing has always been about the communication between the company and the consumers. Asking fans to roam around the world to catch rare Pokemon is fun, but when you bring violence on roads, it’s not fun, it’s horrifying. When you keep changing your promises about the in-game features ...

(AfroGamers.com) Download God of War New Game+ on PS4 because the update is now available and you can add a wealth of new content to the game. The Game+ update for God of War is available as a free patch and in order to access it on your PS4, you will ...

(AfroGamers.com) I’ve always been a fan of playing first person shooter games since the days of playing Goldeneye 007 back during The Nintendo 64 Era. In recent years, first person shooters such as Call Of Duty have come under heavy criticism from anti-gaming “activists” and politicians in DC for “promoting and ...

(AfroGamers.com) Capcom is best known for Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Dead Rising, Monster Hunter, and Mega Man–despite the company not giving it the same love as the first four. You can use any of these titles and call Capcom “The House That X Built.” As a result, it focuses on developing  ...