10 Ways Game Streaming Services Will Change the Video Game Industry.

(AfroGamers.com) The pros and cons of game streaming services are a regular source of debate. If cloud gaming becomes a norm, the game industry will witness some major changes. In the past, we have seen many such attempts, and they have not gone very far. Now when many game developers and console makers are talking a lot about cloud gaming and game streaming services, it’s important to see what the future holds for the game industry. Here’s how we think the cloud game streaming will change the video game industry.

  1. Death of discs

If streaming-only consoles such as the rumored Xbox Scarlett Cloud become the norm, this is bound to happen. After Sony’s PSP Go movement, people started taking interest in digital purchase and discs started disappearing from store shelves. Not everyone buys a digital copy of their favorite games, but if cloud streaming becomes the only way to play games on next-generation consoles, it will certainly disappoint fans who prefer collecting physical disks.

  1. Flexibility in the system

At present, you have to rely on the hardware power of the system you play games on, but video game streaming services will change this for good. By offering more flexibility in the system, cloud gaming services will allow players to upgrade their resources easily. At the moment, video games require a certain amount of hard disk space, processing power, and other resources. But with cloud gaming, players will simply upgrade their package which is going to be a lot easier and cheaper than buying a new set of hardware components.

  1. Play anywhere on any device

If you want to play games, currently there are limited options available. With cloud game streaming services, this won’t be the case anymore. At present, a majority of high-end games are available on consoles and PC (Windows in most cases). Mobile gaming is also a big deal but just like the other platforms, you can only play certain games on your mobile phone. With cloud gaming, people would be able to play games on other operating systems and devices as well because everything will be on the cloud.

  1. Game companies will become hackers’ paradise

If a company stores users’ data it becomes the primary target for hacking attempts. No matter how advanced the game development technologies are, nothing on the cloud or on the internet is completely secure. There’s always a possibility of a data breach. For small studios, keeping their servers protected against hackers will be one of the biggest challenges.

  1. Other security challenges

When a user registers on an online platform, his information is shared with third party service provider. It can be for any purpose, for example, ad delivery or customized preferences. When it comes to game streaming, a player’s personal information will be shared with other players and third-party service providers. It’s a big risk for anyone who shares information online. Delivering information through the cloud is easy and quick but companies rarely talk about their systems’ proneness to data leaks and technical issues.

  1. Low-cost gaming

One of the biggest advantages of game streaming services is that cloud gaming will reduce the cost of games to a level where anyone, with a decent gaming system and internet connection, will be able to buy games at a low price. Subscription models will certainly help companies reduce the upfront price of their games. Cloud gaming will also bring great benefits to the game publishers as the sales will rise.

  1. Players’ voice will be heard

Cloud game streaming services will provide a centralized system that means companies will be able to gather data in a lot better ways. As a result, game developers can learn more about players’ actual needs. The massive amount of data will enable publishers and game developers to design products and services that are relevant to specific audiences and players’ preferences.

  1. DRM will hurt customers more

Many game publishers and many players appreciate DRM (digital rights management) in gaming. It’s true that DRM is an effective way to protect developers’ hard work. It helps to keep their games safe against piracy, but at the end of the day, it makes customers suffer a lot.

If you have played GTA 4 and never experienced DRM related issues then you’re lucky because many players were not able to play the game due to connectivity issues. Companies like Valve have the resources to support the game even if Steam goes down. If the cloud becomes the only way to play games, it will be a problem for small studios and customers who live in areas where internet connectivity is not smooth.

  1. Real-time support might be necessary

At present, the support system of many game publishers and developers requires players to wait for 24 hours to 48 hours. In some cases, it is even more than that. But when people play games on the cloud, companies can’t expect them to wait for a day or two. For certain issues, companies will have to provide real-time support.

At the current level of resources and technology, there are only a few companies that can provide real-time support. So in the future, when cloud game streaming services will be available at large scale, game publishers and developers will have to find ways to fulfill such demands.

  1. A whole new infrastructure

The biggest change in the gaming industry will be the overhaul of the existing infrastructure. At present, gaming infrastructure is not capable of handling everything on the cloud. For countries like the U.S., U.K., and Canada, it is possible to set up advanced technologies and high-speed internet, but for rest of the world, there are very least chances that anyone is capable of setting up advanced systems for gaming. It clearly means that a whole new infrastructure will replace the existing one and it will certainly require tons of money.

Game streaming services are risky businesses and from an industry point of view, if these risks are not taken into account, it will hurt not only the game publishers, but the entire gaming community including console manufacturers, game developers, and consumers.

Staff Writer; Jay Baker

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