Battlefield V Review: This Is Not What the Community Asked For.
June 24, 2019 by AfroGamer
Filed under Action (Shooter/Fighting, etc.), Gaming, Gaming Analysis, News
( Battlefield V reviews are generally positive. The new Battlefield game is fun, the basic story concept is engaging, and there’s no doubt that the franchise is going in the right direction. Battlefield has a serious potential to be the best game in the series, but it is plagued with issues which are not only limited to the game’s performance but the overall game feels rushed. This is actually not what fan community has been asking for from EA Dice.
Bugs, UI and other issues
When it comes to reliability, sadly Battlefield V is arguably the worst game we have seen in the series. Technically, it is the 15th game in the series, but it needs a lot of balancing improvements, bug fixes, UI updates and we also need some more new weapons. The game is already filled with BF 1 weapons that work absolutely fine. The only thing that’s missing in this particular area is a new bunch of weapons.
Interesting but ‘unfinished’ work
Keep the battle royale mode aside because we were already told that it won’t be available anytime soon and that’s absolutely fine. What we meant by unfinished work are broken elements. Even the fundamental stuff is broken and or missing. Some people have also pointed out that Dice could have added more maps to the game. When people wait a whole year for their favorite game, it should give them more reasons to come back and play. At least there could be some more things to keep players busy.
We tried the game. It is fun and even though it is not in the perfect stage, it’s not impossible for Dice to make the necessary changes. For example, the SMGs are weak, in fact very weak. With a game of this class, the number of maps released is not sufficient. That said, some weapons including grenade launchers are really cool to experiment with, but it completely depends on the level you are playing and your surroundings. You can’t just throw smoke grenades all the time because most of the time you’re going to use your guns and that’s what makes a shooter perfect. Sadly, the guns need some serious balancing updates.
The inconsistent frame rate is also a reason why people are disappointed. During the beta, things weren’t this bad. If you played the beta, you’ve probably noticed that the game was running really well. From the final product, players expected a lot more stability, but it didn’t happen.
Casual gameplay
There are instances where the game developer’s casual approach towards the war makes the gameplay feel a little unrealistic. For example, reviving is one of the areas that can be made more realistic. EA didn’t have to keep injured players bedridden for months, but there could be a limit.
A headshot should still be a headshot. The idea of aiming for the skull is thrilling. At the same time, it gives you a mixed feeling of fear and domination in video games. Revival, to some extent, kills these feelings and the sense of realism goes out of the picture. There are many other instances like these where Battlefield V feels more casual and not a serious war game that follows a solid story.
It’s over
Dice has encouraged squad-play above all. Instead of pushing new big ideas in the game, the developer has focused more on refining old elements to bring players together. Players start with less ammunition and as they progress. Some major changes in medic and revival also encourage players to stick together. The whole concept looks and feels good, but there’s nothing extraordinary. The game still feels like something is still coming. Something that can make the game feel complete makes it look like what community wanted from Battlefield V.
Firestorm will be released in spring 2019. It will certainly make the game better for multiplayer fans and since it won’t be a paid DLC, all the Battlefield 5 players will get the free content.
Staff Writer; Jay Baker
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