(AfroGamers.com) Currently, I’m on a mobile shooter kick. I’ve been revisiting and discovering games with modes I like and gameplay I can grasp. Oftentimes, the gameplay can include features that really sell me on playing. You know, the kind of features that stick with you and you’d love to see ...
(AfroGamers.com) When it comes to gaming, there are four elements that will keep me locked into the game for the long haul: an open-world environment, a non-linear approach, a skill tree, and good stealth mechanics. If a game has at least two of those, I’ll stick around to see how ...
(AfroGamers.com) In Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, what groups did you align with? Sure, you had the Imperials and the Stormcloaks who comprised of the main story’s primary forces—and usually I picked Stormcloaks because of the armor—but what other groups did you join? The obvious answer is “All of them” since ...
(AfroGamers.com) Something that I really hate is when something is put on a pedestal for the wrong reasons. The initial impact of a game, how it made you feel at the time, or even what was going on in the world around that time are all things that could cloud ...
(AfroGamers.com) Like any other Nintendo franchise, Pokemon is a game of mysteries that have never been answered and will likely never be answered. It’s just the way that the Pokemon games and anime goes where some mysteries about the Pokeworld just won’t be addressed. Let’s look at five lingering questions ...
(AfroGamers.com) On February 22, Bungie dropped the long-anticipated expansion for its acclaimed open world action MMO shooter, Destiny 2. Since the original Destiny, I have always been interested in what they were going to add next, and even when things got repetitive, I still played. Every three months, on day ...
(AfroGamers.com) While I’m mostly a single-player/solo play kind of guy, there are some co-op and multiplayer classics that I really dig. We’re going to look at three games that were either competitive or had a great competitive mode that should’ve been bigger franchises than they are at the moment. Bomberman ...
(AfroGamers.com) A topic I’ve always felt deserved more attention in gaming is espionage—skullduggery and spycraft. I always enjoyed films like Mission: Impossible, Golden Eye, and shows such as Nikita, Burn Notice, and The Blacklist. As a result, games that featured these themes have always been something I would not pass ...
(AfroGamers.com) I’ve never been big on racing games. Sometimes, a game like Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit will come along and pique my interest. That was the same case with the reboot from 2010. Racing games with a little something different really catch my attention. Let’s look at four ...
(AfroGamers.com) As a kid growing up during the 1990s, I remember the times where many other urban kids like me that grew up during that time either had an NES or Sega Genesis, but I was one of a handful of urban kids that got the experience of playing video ...
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