Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Let’s Take A Look Back at the Adam Jensen Saga of the Deus Ex Games.

Human Revolution takes place a couple of decades before the original Deus Ex game in 2027. The main hub of activity is Detroit but the main character Adam Jensen will also take on missions to seedy, dystopian Hengsha and more contained missions in Montreal and the Artic.

How the Outriders Team Revived a Quickly Dying Game.

While I understand why People Can Fly initially went in this direction, I think that they didn’t see that the whole time trail method that is popular on game streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch is something that is more fun to watch than it is to play.

5 Classic Koei Games of the 1990s.

During the early 1990s, Koei was also building up for an entry into business management simulation games. The titles that became popular worldwide out of its Management Series were Aerobiz and Aerobiz Supersonic.

The 5 Most Memorable Games on the Sega Dreamcast.

November 6, 2021 by  
Filed under Adventure, Gaming, News, Old School RPG, Sports

The Dreamcast was Sega’s last dance in the console realm before becoming a developer-only in the video game arena.

Here Are 5 of the Best Video Game Spinoffs.

April 10, 2021 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, Old School RPG, Puzzle, RPGs, Sports

Several games on this list might illicit some nostalgia but Mario Party plucked at a particular part of pre-online multiplayer generation gamers’ nostalgia.

Throwback Video Games – Dragon Warrior.

February 8, 2021 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, RPGs

A lot of the current young generation of gamers don’t truly understand the value and importance that RPG video games, etc.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Barely Holds Up In 2020.

January 2, 2021 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, RPGs

There’s no reason your player—as powerful as your build them—is stopped from progressing forward because there are pots in the floor. As a matter of fact, we usually just…walk through stuff that falls from counters, tables, or trash in general. Not in this game. These pots and pans are solid. That broken lamp is unmoveable. It’s not game breaking but it is extremely annoying.

An Introduction to RPGs.

May 12, 2020 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, RPGs

RPGs are roleplaying games where you take control of a character or characters. That could be any game in general since you’re playing a role but RPGs differ in gameplay mechanics. Now, we’ll get into why RPGs are so important to gaming because things become blurred again as game development improved over the years. The main thing is that RPGs typically have a storyline driven not just by the characters and mechanics but also by the setting.

Idle Champions: Idle RPGs Now D&D Flavored.

May 8, 2020 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, PC/Mobile/Android/iOS, RPGs

So, did Idle Champions change my mind on idle games? Not really. I will say I’ve been entertaining some idle RPGs—particularly Idle Heroes—to see if I’ve been too harsh on them. Idle Champions got those games to that point. We’ll find out in a few weeks if I’m still on the “idle RPGs are trash” hill or if I’ll be recommending them to you.

Check Out Cyber Knights.

January 30, 2020 by  
Filed under Gaming, News, PC/Mobile/Android/iOS, RPGs

Cyber Knights is just an RPG that you can play for hours at a time and might drive you to get the Elite version. If you love cyberpunk or enjoyed playing Shadowrun, snatch up this title.

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