Saturday, July 27, 2024

5 Classic Action Games Worthy of the HD Remake Treatment.

( With a couple of classics getting HD remakes in recent years, it wouldn’t be surprising to see plenty of them coming down the pike going forward.

There was a time when there wasn’t a big deal around remakes but that’s definitely changing. The best thing about these HD remakes is that they take a game and make it a new, modern title in a new generation.

Let’s check out five retro games that would benefit from a HD remake.

Sonic 1-3 (1991-1994)

This goes without saying but ,JBM franchise. There’s an article here about the significance of the franchise and its appeal. Sega has continued to make Sonic games and spinoffs since the original in 1991.

However, the original trilogy could use some HD remake love. Actually, I believe a remake would do a better job at going into the series core story than the original games that started the franchise did.

Of course, a remake requires one of two things: fans demanding them or the developers feeling that the game should be remade. We’re more likely to get some remasters than remakes at this point but I believe a Sonic HD remake with voice acting and cutscenes would be spectacular.

This would really go over well because the three games could technically be merged into one game and the different abilities and shields that the Blue Blur picks up could be introduced seamlessly.

If not to introduce voice acting and new mechanics to the classics, we should at least get an HD remake for storyline-sake.

Sonic The HedgeHog Games - 123

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (2002)

Of the games on this list, Rygar: The Legendary Adventure is probably the “Uh what?” entry. It’s a PlayStation 2 title that was well-received but pretty much fell by the wayside after that release.

The 2002 release is actually a remake of Tecmo’s 1986 arcade classic Rygar with the main differences being in the plot and origins of the titular hero. Rygar: The Legendary Adventure has gameplay similar to what would become God of War sans the real-time events, gore, and complexity.

Mind you, the early GoW games weren’t particularly complex, it just featured more mechanics and more difficulty. Regardless, Rygar is a game that could benefit from an HD remake.

Plus, it would technically give Tecmo a fresh franchise. Rygar was collecting dust before the 2002 game and now it’s back on Tecmo’s shelf.

World of Illusion (1992)

Now, this one is a real head-scratcher. World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck was held up an amazing platformer when it was released. A real feather in both Disney and Sega’s caps.

I’d say it was one of the best 2D platformers of all time and one of the best Sega ever developed. If I may be controversial: I liked World of Illusion and Quackshot more than the first two Sonic games. That said, neither compete with Sonic 3.

With the high scores and accolades heaped upon World of Illusion, you’d think Sega would go “Hey let’s develop an HD remake for this!” The gameplay mechanics wouldn’t even need to be altered or updated, just give this game a fresh, 2.5D or 3D coat of paint and some strong marketing.

Disney games tend to hit it out of the park when a known developer gets behind a property. I’d say that of the games on this list, World of Illusion is the most likely to get an HD remake. Afterall, its 1990 prequel Castle of Illusion was given a remake in 2013.

While a classic in its own right, it’s the weaker of the two titles but it’s not surprising that it got the remake treatment first. We can only hope that Sega is either currently working on something but I believe we’ll eventually see it.

Sure, it’s almost 30 years later but it took 23 years for Castle of Illusion and Sega is constantly working on titles. Perhaps we’ll hear an announcement for the 30th anniversary next year.

Tomba I-II (1997-1999)

In the late 1990s, the Tomba duology was ahead of its time graphically. Gameplay-wise, it delivered for a platformer on the original PlayStation. Actually, this was my preferred platformer series over Crash.

The art style and smoothness of the game was like PlayStation getting Donkey Kong Country. Developer Whoopee Camp was only around for three years and honestly, someone could’ve dropped another Tomba in 21 years.

If not that, then an HD remaster would do.

Mario Bros. (1983)

I first discovered this game as a kind of mini-game or side-game to Super Mario Bros 3. It’s simple in execution with action being one-on-one. Enemies and obstacles come out of warp pipes and the objective is to hurt your opponent by knocking them into the hazards.

That’s it! I want to say that this game was perfect for arcades but there’s really nothing going on in the game. It’s competitive in nature and would require a round system for players to get the most out of their quarters.

I will say that it was a bit ahead of its time because it would’ve been perfect for the early years of mobile. There was always some potential to expand the game or even add it to the Mario Party games.

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.

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