(AfroGamers.com) I was a year late to Dead Island 2 and recently, it was made available on PlayStation Plus. It’s an open-world game with crafting and loot on PS Plus—of course I’m going to install and play it a bit. Who knows, I might just finish it! Dead Island 2 ...

(AfroGamers.com) Gearbox’s Borderlands is a franchise I missed out on when the games first dropped. I was probably busy playing Elder Scrolls IV or Fallout 3 at the time. It’s odd because this is definitely a franchise I would’ve enjoyed if I played it back then. The first time I ...

(AfroGamers.com) I’m not the biggest horror fan but I dig zombie films and comics. Video games—it depends. A legendary series like Resident Evil never really appealed to me—then again, I never gave it that strong of chance. It’s odd because I gave Dino Crisis a go, beat it and the ...

(AfroGamers.com) For a couple of months, I got back into Warframe, a third-person shooter from Digital Extremes. The game came out in early 2013, over a year before Bungie released the first Destiny game. I mention Destiny because Warframe comes off as something of a third-person version of Destiny—which is ...

(AfroGamers.com) EverQuest is one of Sony’s longest-running franchises and pretty much the only one that has always been active. It’s an older MMORPG meaning it’s a truly living game. As long as enough of a player base exists, so will it. Currently, EverQuest (1999) and EverQuest II (2004) are still ...

(AfroGamers.com) In 1979, the Eagles released “I Can’t Tell You Why”. The song was a hit off their album The Long Run. That statement comes to mind when wondering what it is I love about Ubisoft games. They’re a studio in my Big 3 along with Nintendo and Bethesda as ...

(AfroGamers.com) Ubisoft’s 2012 release Assassin’s Creed III is a title with a mixed reaction and while I typically don’t check impressions on a game until I’ve finished it, ACIII was an interesting case because early on many were annoyed by the game. Now, I tend to enjoy any Assassin’s Creed ...

(AfroGamers.com) A game I often think about are 1990s Cruis’n games from Williams. I knew Williams more from its titles being more arcade-y and typically published by Midway Games. Cruis’n USA and World. At that time Midway was doing very well with some cutting-edge arcade series like Area 51, Mortal ...

(AfroGamers.com) The year was 2020 and one of the games I wasn’t paying attention to was Tripwire Interactive’s Maneater. I remember seeing Maneater on the PSN and not being particularly interested in playing an action game featuring a shark. I didn’t even think it was about hunting the shark, just ...

(AfroGamers.com) Back in late 2022, 2K released Marvel’s Midnight Suns, a tactical RPG developed by Firaxis Games—best known for the XCOM and Civilization games. Now, this should’ve been an indication of how sales would likely go because of the kinds of games Firaxis puts out. Their titles have a very ...