Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Game Changers: Four Features That Revolutionized Gaming in the 80s and 90s.

The skip scene button was something I first noticed in Final Fantasy X-2 at a time when FF really needed them. From FFVII onwards, Square Enix really got more and more into its cut scene bag and those cut scenes became longer and longer as well as popping up more often. It could be frustrating when you’re really enjoying the action in the game and want to get back to building your character up and whatnot only to sit through three-or-four minute cut scene number three.

3 Things That Made Diablo IV My Main Game of 2023.

With that said, the side quests and endgame quests—I’m really enjoying those. I’m a grinder and crafter at heart but I do enjoy battles but I enjoy them at my own pace. D4 is open-world, so you can do the main quest stuff at your own pace or skip it entirely which I’ll do with my druid character but I’m enjoying just solo-ing into smaller dungeons, basements, cleaning up side quests, slamming world bosses, and doing world events out in the field more than the story stuff.

Three Major Pros That Make Outriders Worth Playing in 2023.

So, heading to the market to get better hear, finding loot in sh** boxes or as drops from enemies is always a joy—until you actually get to look at it and it has a stat combination and figure “Ehh, I can scrap this.” Scrapping gear not only gives you mods but also resources for crafting. So, it’s a good idea to scrap purple- tier and above gear you don’t need and sell off everything blue tier and below.

Three Glaring Cons in Outriders That Probably Shouldn’t Be Problems in 2023.

Many have an area of effect stomp or something to clear out players who are really going to town on them. The remedy is always to run or roll out of the red attack circle around or in front of them. It becomes a problem when fighting the monster elites who can have a far-reaching attack in addition to calling in more and more grunts or adds.

Should You Purchase “Spider-Man 2”? An Insightful Look from a Gamer’s Perspective.

“Spiderman 2” isn’t just a game; it’s an experience. It masterfully blends storytelling, gameplay, and technical prowess into a cohesive package that appeals to gamers of all kinds. Whether you’re in it for the thrill of swinging between New York’s skyscrapers, the emotional rollercoaster of Peter Parker’s life, or the sheer joy of being Spiderman, this game delivers on all fronts. It’s a testament to the power of video games as a medium of art and entertainment. So, if you haven’t already, swing into action and get your copy of “Spiderman 2.” You won’t regret it.

The Nemesis System Should be in Every Open-World Game.

I’m sure there’s a reason the Nemesis system just wouldn’t work. There would need to be a setting for either killable or hard-to-kill rivals. Every character is fairly easy to kill with the right gear and strategy. This is the case with Fallout as well. NPCs prove to be particularly easy to kill and that would kill the need of having the feature in the franchise.

The Technomancer is a Fine Blueprint for Focus Entertainment Games.

Even more weird is that this seems to be an issue with other Focus action RPG titles where you really have to learn the combat mechanics. With that said, if it becomes familiar in The Technomancer, you’ll take to other titles smoothly. This could be the source of my frustration with Vampyr early on. While I’ve played TT in the past, I didn’t connect that they were similar in some ways down to the combat.

Let’s Check Out for Pirate Game Pioneers.

The perfect pirate game belongs to Pirates! Gold. I’m certain I touched on this game before in passing but it’s definitely the greatest pioneer on this micro genre. You start as a citizen of France, England, the Netherlands, or Spain but as in all mentioned games—besides Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag—you can turn against your country, align with another, and either get a letter of marque to operate as a privateer or go full pirate.

You’re also able to assault town and forts, claim them for a country, attack treasure ships and big merchant hauls, and improve your ships—or get new ones. Of course, you’ve got to split the loot after lengthy voyages and you’re able to move up in society in the colonies.

There was a lot going on in a game made in 1987. I play the 1993 remake on the Sega Genesis as I was really into games like this and Aerobiz early on. They were just different from the more action-oriented titles I normally played.

If You’re Unfamiliar with Roleplay: It’s Basically Pro Wrestling.

I’d been roleplaying in some sense since 1996. I started in play-by-email, message boards, and on wrestling e-federations. All had an application process and actually, the early days of text roleplay encouraged my love of writing and creativity. Whether it was making a vampire, a ninja, or a psychopathic wrestler, it was fun to sit, come up with a backstory to fit into this new setting and do the sample roleplay.

Vampyr is the Spiritual Successor to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.

I’d say that the biggest pro for this game is the setting. It’s not late 19th century and early 20th century England are uncharted territory in gaming but for a tale with vampires and hunters, kicking it Victorian or turn-of-the-century is a good starting point. Especially if there are plans for sequels—yes, that was a bit of shade at Sony and The Order 1886.

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